CALL US: +91 484-2233996, +91 8606310007 ∙ WRITE US: INFO@AYURJANIAYURVEDIC.COM ∙ OP TIME Mon to Sat 9.30am to 6.00pm

Feel And Experience
The Scientific Way Of Ayurveda

Neuro-muscular disorders

A vast number of neuro/neuromuscular/muscular disorders could affect quality of one’s life. Signs and symptoms may range from a tingling sensation to total loss of mobility. The most frequent cases treated at our hospital include:

 Paralysis (Hemiplegia, Monoplegia, Diplegia, Paraplegia, Quadriplegia)

 Facial palsy / Bell’s palsy

Peripheral neuropathy

Movement disorders

Muscular dystrophy




We, at AYURJANI Ayurveda offer ample time and expertise in diagnosis and treatment. A consultation here consists of understanding your personal and medical history, detailed assessment of clinical conditions, constitution analysis, diet & life style guidance, prescription and documentation. Our doctors have thorough experience dealing with chronic and complicated diseases. We are open on all days. Working hours: 9.00am to 6.00 pm SUNDAYS ON PRIOR BOOKING

Tips for effective consultation:

Please carry previous medical reports including prescriptions, laboratory reports, X- ray or Scan films, details of current medication etc. if any.

Prepare to present all relevant information in an organized way.

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