CALL US: +91 484-2233996, +91 8606310007 ∙ WRITE US: INFO@AYURJANIAYURVEDIC.COM ∙ OP TIME Mon to Sat 9.30am to 6.00pm

Feel And Experience
The Scientific Way Of Ayurveda

Spinal Disorders

Spine disorder or spinal disease refers to the impairment of the vertebrae and spinal cord which leads to severe back pain and many other conditions affecting one’s daily routine. The most commonly treated cases of spinal disorders at this centre are

 Cervical Spondylosis (Neck pain)

 Lumbar Spondylosis (Low Back pain)

Inter vertebral disc disorders


Ankylosing Spondylitis

We have experience and expertise in treating complex medical conditions related to spinal disorders with personalised therapies and ayurvedic medical care. Non- surgical management of prolapsed inter vertebral discs has been one of the most successful area.


We, at AYURJANI Ayurveda offer ample time and expertise in diagnosis and treatment. A consultation here consists of understanding your personal and medical history, detailed assessment of clinical conditions, constitution analysis, diet & life style guidance, prescription and documentation. Our doctors have thorough experience dealing with chronic and complicated diseases. We are open on all days. Working hours: 9.00am to 6.00 pm SUNDAYS ON PRIOR BOOKING

Tips for effective consultation:

Please carry previous medical reports including prescriptions, laboratory reports, X- ray or Scan films, details of current medication etc. if any.

Prepare to present all relevant information in an organized way.

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