Infertility and Reproductive health
In Netra tharpanam, medicine prepared in cow-ghee base (medicated ghee/ ghritham)
Respiratory diseases includes the conditions of respiratory tract. Ayurvedic concepts of detoxification, correction of functions and boosting immunity together control exaggerated immune responses and thus help to prevent further complications. Common allergic issues include:
Allergic Rhinitis
Dry cough
Common cold
Nasal polyp
We, at AYURJANI Ayurveda offer ample time and expertise in diagnosis and treatment. A consultation here consists of understanding your personal and medical history, detailed assessment of clinical conditions, constitution analysis, diet & life style guidance, prescription and documentation. Our doctors have thorough experience dealing with chronic and complicated diseases. We are open on all days. Working hours: 9.00am to 6.00 pm SUNDAYS ON PRIOR BOOKING
Please carry previous medical reports including prescriptions, laboratory reports, X- ray or Scan films, details of current medication etc. if any.
Prepare to present all relevant information in an organized way.
Infertility and Reproductive health
In Netra tharpanam, medicine prepared in cow-ghee base (medicated ghee/ ghritham)