CALL US: +91 484-2233996, +91 8606310007 ∙ WRITE US: INFO@AYURJANIAYURVEDIC.COM ∙ OP TIME Mon to Sat 9.30am to 6.00pm



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Well equipped and spacious treatment rooms with the facilities to do all treatments recommended by Ayurveda in a blissful and peaceful environment.

Expertise and authenticity in
- Consultation
- Nadi Pareeksha
- Patient Examinations

Treatment rooms with traditional and authentic mode of infrastructures in all the floors

Qualified, experienced and well trained Ayurvedic therapists and technicians for performing therapies.

24hours security for your convenience and comfort.

Ayurveda pharmacy with all authentic medicines.

Traditional and genuine Ayurvedic procedures are performed from 9.00am to 5.30pm

Pharmacy facility with all Ayurvedic Medicines available from 9.00am to 5.30pm

24hours power back-up.

Parking Facility available

Wifi Facility

No Alcohol, No Smoking