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Health Care Programs

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Ayurjani Sukhayu Package

Diet and Lifestyle

More than 60 % of deaths in India happen due to diseases linked with lifestyle. Health care is not all about curing diseases. Ayurveda emphasizes on the prevention of Physical, mental and spiritual imbalances which in turn are conducive to diseases.

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Ayurjani Swasthya Package

De-stress program

Stress is a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental strain. Negative stress eats away enthusiasm towards life and it has the potential to influence mentally and physically, leading further to diseases.

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Ayurjani Prakruthi Package

Detoxification program

Health is the outcome of equilibrium among various metabolic activities in the body. Unwanted interference by toxins, free radicals etc can disrupt the normal ongoing metabolism. Such alterations in metabolism manifest in the form of distress/ disease in the due course of time.

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Ayurjani Ayushya Package

Rejuvenation Program

Health is the outcome of equilibrium among various metabolic activities in the body. Unwanted interference by toxins, free radicals etc can disrupt the normal ongoing metabolism. Such alterations in metabolism manifest in the form of distress/ disease in the due course of time.

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