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Feel And Experience
The Scientific Way Of Ayurveda


Streaming luke warm medicated oil / medicinal liquid all over the body or focused on a particular area along with gentle massage is termed Dhara treatment. A variety of dhara therapies are in use for different diseases. They are named as per

(a) Medicinal contents

Eg: Thailadhara (medicated oils), Thakradhara (medicines processed in buttermilk), Ksheeradhara (medicines prepared in milk), Kashayadhara (a decoction brewed with herbs) etc.

(b) The body part targeted

Eg: Prishtavamsa dhara (spine), Netra dhara (eyes), Shirodhara (head) etc.

Shirodhara with medicinal oils is one of the most effective therapies used for therapeutic as well as relaxation purpose.


After a whole body gentle massage with herbal oils, luke warm medicinal oil of choice is poured in a continuous stream on the forehead, from a specific height. The oil runs down along the scalp and hair. Simultaneously the therapist massages the forehead, scalp and hair.


Relaxation & Health

 One of the most relaxant therapies in Ayurveda, relieves stress and anxiety

 Tranquilizing effect, promoting better sleep

 Improves concentration in studies / work

 Positive influence on brain circulation

Tips for effective consultation:

Please carry previous medical reports including prescriptions, laboratory reports, X- ray or Scan films, details of current medication etc. if any.

Prepare to present all relevant information in an organized way.

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