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Feel And Experience
The Scientific Way Of Ayurveda

Kizhi ( Pindaswedam)

‘Kizhi’ literally means a cotton cloth bolus filled with medicine in the form of powder / paste/ a mixture of medicinal herbs. They are often named as per the ingredients.

Example: Elakizhi (Herbal mixture), Podikizhi (Powdered medicines), Mamsakizhi (Medicines and mutton extract), Njavarakizhi.

Njavarakizhi (Shashtika Pinda Swedam) 

Njavara rice (a specific variety of rice with high medicinal value) is cooked in a mixture of milk and a herbal decoction and packed in cotton cloth in the form of boluses. Further massage is done with these boluses frequently dipped in a mixture of warm milk and a brewed herbal decoction suggested by the doctor.


Relaxation & Health

 Enhances physical consistency

 Improves musculature

 Strengthens the peripheral nervous system

 Improves the overall appearance of the skin

 Rejuvenates &nourishes the body

Podi Kizhi(Choorna Pinda Swedam)

Podikizhi is atype of svedana chikitsa(fomentation) whereas medicated powders are made into poultice and used for giving fomentation. 

Elakizhi(Patra Pinda Swedam)

Patrapinda sweda is a type of sudation in which poultices are prepared with various freshly collected leaves along with some other medicated powders.

Tips for effective consultation:

Please carry previous medical reports including prescriptions, laboratory reports, X- ray or Scan films, details of current medication etc. if any.

Prepare to present all relevant information in an organized way.

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