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Feel And Experience
The Scientific Way Of Ayurveda

Bahya Snehanam(external oelation therapy)

Medicated lukewarm ayurvedic oil is made to retain in a dough ring made of black gram paste over the particular area affected. Some of the examples are:


(done on low back, in traumatic back pain, disc diseases, spondylosis, sciatica etc)


(done on back of neck, in cervical spondylosis, disc disease, ankylosing spondylosis etc)


(done on knees, in osteoarthritis, ligament injuries etc)


(done on head fixing a cap of specific design, in brain related issues)

Abhyangam(General Massage)

An ayurvedic general massage (Abhyangam) is recommended not for a particular disease, but for overall maintenance of health, relaxation and well being. At AYURJANI Ayurveda, oils enriched with ayurvedic herbs and medicines are used for massage, to ensure the best results. 

Abhyangam is performed by well trained and certified therapists, over a specially designed table (Droni). Consultation with the doctor would be beneficial in assessing one’s body constitution This helps in deciding the appropriate oil and the exact pattern for massage. After the procedure, the person is directed to take herbal steam bath.


Improves blood and lymph circulation

 Lowers high blood pressure levels

 Promotes cell repair and maintenance

 Improves concentration and efficiency in daily activities

Imparts muscle relaxation

Relieves body aches, fatigue

Increases muscle tone and flexibility

Maintains healthy skin

Moisturizes skin

 Delays signs of aging

Complete stress buster

 Boosts energy levels

 Stimulates physical and emotional well being

Enhances good sleep

 Better work efficiency and calmness

 Better tolerance and temperament

Strengthens immune system
Healthy substitute for exercise, for those who lead a sedentary life.

Tips for effective consultation:

Please carry previous medical reports including prescriptions, laboratory reports, X- ray or Scan films, details of current medication etc. if any.

Prepare to present all relevant information in an organized way.

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