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Prakruthi Package

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Detoxification program

Health is the outcome of equilibrium among various metabolic activities in the body. Unwanted interference by toxins, free radicals etc can disrupt the normal ongoing metabolism. Such alterations in metabolism manifest in the form of distress/ disease in the due course of time.

A healthy body maintains a serene internal environment. Wrong practices of food and routine corrupts internal environment. For instance, junk food, incompatible food and wrong meal timings add up to the toxic load of the body. ( A Diet & Life Style Consultation with us gives you more insight)

A Detoxification programme moves potentially toxic substances from the body. This is achieved through Panchakarma procedures, detoxifying medication, diet guidelines and recommendations for a healthier lifestyle. Detoxification is followed by Rasayana medicines to support the metabolism and nourish the system.

Ayurveda considers the physical and mental status of each individual as unique. Hence, the duration of the program, procedures and medication may vary from person to person based on the body mind constitution and the current health status. Our doctors design the detoxification program suitable for you after a clinical consultation and assessment only.

Warning signals of accumulated toxins in the body:

If you notice any of the following it may be the right time for your body to undergo detoxification: Fatigue,Joint Pain,Muscle aches, Sinus congestion, Allergic Asthma, Postnasal drip, Headaches, Gas, Bloating, Constipation, Recurrent Diarrhoea, Foul-smelling stools, Heartburn, Sleep problems, Difficulty concentrating, Newly developing allergies, Water retention, Trouble losing weight, Rashes, Skin problems such as Eczema & Psoriasis, Acne, Enlarged liver, Premenstrual syndrome, other menstrual disorders, Bad breath.