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Ayushya Package

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Rejuvenation Program

In human life there is a growing phase, a maintenance phase and a degenerative phase. We may call the third phase as ageing. In the degenerative phase of life, bodily systems struggle to compensate the damages or depreciation caused by day to day metabolism. Ayurveda offers unique modalities to support the ageing body and to refill it with positive energy. Though you cannot stop ageing, you can delay it for sure. Rejuvenation therapies help you to feel young, look young and live young with self esteem and confidence.

Rejuvenation program is more into restoration of declining energy and functions in the body and nourishing the ageing tissues. We doctors design a tailor-made package for each client after proper assessment of individual constitution (prakruti) and current health status. A cleansing of bodily systems (detoxification) with Panchakarma techniques is often done prior to rejuvenation to make it effective and sustainable.

As per doctor’s advice, external applications and massages with medicated oils and herbal pastes followed by specific Rasayana medicines are used for revitalizing the body.