CALL US: +91 484-2233996, +91 8606310007 ∙ WRITE US: INFO@AYURJANIAYURVEDIC.COM ∙ OP TIME Mon to Sat 9.30am to 6.00pm

Feel And Experience
The Scientific Way Of Ayurveda

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Welcome to

Ayurjani Ayurveda Hospital

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Ayurjani Ayurveda propagates the globally accepted Ayurvedic treatment concepts and their modified versions since 2014 in ernakulam, kerala, India. Expert ayurvedic doctors and certified therapists from Kerala under the guidance of Dr. Lekha dharsak BAMS, MD (Ayurveda)

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Post Natal Care

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Post-delivery care, with special medicines and therapeutic procedures we ensure

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Spinal Disorders

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Spine disorder or spinal disease refers to the impairment of the vertebrae and spinal

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Skin diseases

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Skin reflects the inner distress. Noninfectious skin diseases mostly have an underlying cause



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Well equipped and spacious treatment rooms with the facilities to do all treatments recommended by Ayurveda in a blissful and peaceful environment.

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Qualified, experienced and well trained Ayurvedic therapists and technicians for performing therapies.

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Pharmacy facility with all Ayurvedic Medicines available



"Dr. Lekha Dharshak has made me feel positive about my life, problems that were impacting my social life aren't any more!" "I completely trust her and her suggestions always work.

Mrs. Aishwarya

I would highly recommend AYURJANI to anyone who needs rejuvenation or a purification cleanse. It was truly a break from all of the distractions of daily life so that all of my time and attention.

Mr. George Varghese

AYURJANI is deservedly called "The Best". Doctors and therapists are very good. All staff very cheerful, professional. We return home thoroughly rejuvenated.

Mr. George Varghese